Elden Ring PvP arenas may be in the pipeline for a future DLC.
The Elden Ring PvP Arena Theory - Uncovered
If you are currently 'playing' Elden Ring but are only 5% of the way through the game because it's just so damn difficult, well rest assured you're not alone. But fair warning: the info in this recently revealed Elden Ring PvP theory might contain some small location spoilers for the game. So keep at it, champ.
But for those that eat soulslikes for breakfast (or those that just don't care anymore): the colosseums are hiding something. And if the title (or the literal purpose of colosseums) didn't give you a clue, we'll spell it out: they could become Elden Ring PvP areas in future DLCs.
At least, that's the prevailing theory after some modders recently plumbed the depths of the otherwise inaccessible arenas. The main reason for which being that their insides are suspiciously polished.
A video by YouTuber Garden of Eyes delivers an in-depth tour, demonstrating how their character doesn't clip through walls or objects (and can actually break things) whilst showing how the three colosseums on the map each boast distinct interior designs. That's a lot of effort for buildings that were never used.
Of course, PvP in the form of Invasions is a feature of other Souls games, and Elden Ring PvP is no different. But there is no designated area for two puffed-up players to go toe-to-toe in order to establish dominance. And the colosseums could be the answer to this.
To introduce these as part of a DLC means that everybody has at least a few months to really hone their skills, ensuring that as many are on an equal playing field as possible. Another theory, however, is that they could be used as stages for a Boss Rush mode. Though producer Yasuhiro Kitao has already nipped that in the bud.
Other breadcrumbs in the trail include the fact that Garden of Eyes found a Duelist's Furled Finger right in front of the Northern Limgrave colosseum - an item which enables PvP. Plus, there is the grumbling NPC who specifically draws attention to the fact that he can't enter the colosseum and fight. It's practically an open-shut case.
Whatever happens, we probably won't see the next Elden Ring DLC for a while. So for now, we wait and speculate.
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