Dark Relic is a high fantasy MMORPG which takes place in the world of Neithus, a realm filled with strange new races and creatures that stem from our own ancient world lore from around the world. Neithus is a Sandpark world allowing you to progress in the world through quests or exploring the Ward of your choice on your own. Walk (Themepark), run (Sandbox) or both (Sandpark). Your path is up to you! Whether you enjoy combat or crafting, politics or PvP, or just exploring and chatting with friends, Dark Relic delivers the complete MMORPG experience you've been searching for!
NOTE: As of February 2018, the last posts on the Dark Relic home page were made in April 2016. The game may have been abandoned.
Dark Relic Key Features
Ever Expanding World - With five complete continents that comprise the game world, you will never have a shortage of adventure to seek and places to explore.
Forge Your Path - Select a class Class Profession and choose which path to take. Each Profession has a unique set of abilities and skills you can train in or learn out in the world.
Skill Driven - Level your skills through use. Dark Relic is not just focused on Player level, but also the level of your skills, which can give you a unique and customized control every time you play.
Crafting With A Purpose - Dark Relic allows you to be a Basic Crafter, creating the items you may need along the way, or become a full time Master Crafter. Advance not only in crafting levels, but in your skills and Specialties.
Player Housing - Persistent player housing allows you to show off your trophies, control who comes and goes, and more!
Guilds And Alliances - Form guilds with friends, forge mighty alliances, and take control of the world. There is strength in numbers!