Sparc, also known as Project Arena, is an ambitious multiplayer virtual reality science fiction and sports game for Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and PlayStation VR, from VR gaming pioneer, CCP Games. A fast and fun VR game, Sparc pits players against each other in a game that combine tennis and dodgeball. Opponents hurl projectiles at each other using VR controllers while physically dodging, deflecting or blocking shots. Matchmaking is done either through friend invites or an online matchmaking system. Players can also spectate matches or wait their turn in a freeform social area known as Courtside. Experience a true Virtual Reality sports game, and test your skills and speed against players from around the world.
Sparc Key Features
Social Virtual World - You compete against the person, directly. Chat with friends old and new in Courtside. Step into the arena and show your stuff. Experience the closest thing to actually being together in gaming yet!
Multiple Modes - Sparc offers a variety of single-player training and challenge modes, as well as several two-player game modes. The diversity of match styles and modes helps ensure that everyone will find a mode they enjoy!
Unique Gameplay - The game has been designed to capitalize on the unique strengths of standing VR. Furthermore, Sparc delivers a game experience with all the depth and excitement to keep players returning long into the future!
Customize Your Avatar - Customize your avatar and have your appearance respond to your body's movements in real time. When you move, you move!