The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 is the sequel to the successful action role-playing game where you could play as the son of Professor Van Helsing, battling against the foes of Borgova. It all seemed so simple: defeat the mad scientist, free the land and ride into the sunset, but sometimes the fall of a villain only opens the way to more sinister foes. So the incredible adventures continue, and Van Helsing, the famous monster-hunter, returns to save the day again with the help of his charming, ghostly companion, Lady Katarina. The gothic metropolis of weird science is on the brink of destruction as chaos rules the streets and a new enemy plots revenge. It’s time to enter the dark side of Borgova and the forbidden wilderness, but beware: you are not the only one behind a mask.
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 Key Features
Three Playable Races - Play the classic Hunter, the magic-wielding Thaumaturge or the deadly device creating Arcane Mechanic.
Extended Tower Defense Mode - Defend the Hunter's lair by fending off waves of enemies.
Resistance Management - Micromanage your own allied troops and assign them tasks.
Hunter's Lair - The perfect hideout for players to stash collected loot, forging new items or completing new quests.
New Skill System - Extended and improved for your enjoyment! Unlock powerful skills and abilities.
Unique Companion - Lady Katarina is your personal ghost with her own skill tree.
Multiplayer Fun - Up to 8 players can duke it out against each other in PvP, or play together to finish the campaign with 4 other players.
Hall Of Trophies - Players can decorate their Lair with trophies, which can modify the game to their liking.